The importance of rewilding networks
We are at the very start of rewilding Harestone Moss, and want to learn from the groups and individuals that we have met, and have yet to meet.
Below are the organisations that have helped us so much, and will be with us throughout our growth, both our land and minds !
Thank you for all your help and advice , it is very much appreciated

Nature Scot
Nature Scot are Scotland’s nature agency. They work to improve the natural environment in Scotland, and inspire everyone to care more about it.
Our project is supported by the Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund , managed by Nature Scot. We have received significant funding to allow us to progress our project forward and are so grateful for this opportunity.
We spent a significant amount of time planning and mapping our project proposal, going into great detail and explaining our vision and plan for the future, not just for our small pixel of land, but for Scotland.
Thankfully they saw our passion and belief in what we want to achieve, and now we will deliver!
Northwoods Rewilding Network
Northwoods Rewilding Network has helped us in so many ways. They are Scotland :The Big Picture’s flagship network of landholdings, who have committed to rewilding and nature restoration and we are very happy to be part of this amazing network.
They have only been established for 18 months, and in September 2022 grew to 50 members. We were delighted to be part of the press release on this achievement.
STV News – Further press with great achievements by everyone in the network.
108,000 trees planted – We attended Scotland: The Big Picture conference in Perth (Sep 2022), where we heard inspirational speakers, and learned about other projects and businesses that are embracing rewilding.
It was also a great opportunity for the Northwood members to meet for a drinks reception, and also a visit to the beautiful Bamff estate. It was wonderful to meet with so many like minded people and hear the diverse range of rewilding projects that are happening across the whole of Scotland.
A special thanks has to go out to James Nairne whose enthusiasm, passion and help has pushed us forward. He does a great job of engaging and connecting the network together.
I am sure we will see more dots appearing across your map!
Rewilding Harestone Moss
I am so excited to be at the beginning of our rewilding journey, and who knows where this will take us. What I do know is that it will be fun, rewarding, challenging and I am ready for the ride, nature is ready too…
Find out more about our rewilding plans